Friday, January 30, 2009
Triggers and memories - oh my!
Funny the things that trigger memories. I looked at my watch today a little before 9:30 am; I was in a meeting filled with a bunch of tech professionals, everyone was engaged in discussion. I could not put my finger on it. I decided to work on email as the discussion did not pertain to me. As I turned off my screen saver, there she was. I built a collage of Lin's pictures and placed them as the background for my desktop. She was smiling in each picture; we were playing on the beach, some of the pictures, only four months old. 9:30 am was when she was pronounced, gone, dead. I packed up my stuff and rushed out the door as quickly as possible; to everyone in the room, I was on a mission; for me, I needed to breathe.
I went on-line today and created a new radio station on . I called the station, Lin's music. I selected nothing but rock that she liked. I have been listening to it since I got home and worked from my desk here this afternoon. Teh station will evolve as time passes, try it; it is fun! This is the link to her station:
I went out to lunch with two new friends, Meredith and Emily. I have been cooped up with them since early January working on a project. We went to Main Street Grill. When I met Lin, I owned and lived in a house on Main street. A little time after Lin moved in, the restaurant opened. We made this our place. We would walk down the sidewalk, a whole two blocks and be greeted by Jo. She always, OK almost always, sat us in the same booth. We would wine, dine and laugh. Jo would usually place a bottle of wine in a bag for us to take home with our fantastic strawberry cheese cake; we didn't think we could get in trouble for drinking and walking. Walking in there today was made easier by being with friends.
All in all, I had a good week. There were a couple of times when things were great and I wanted to share my feeling with someone; the first person that popped in my head was Lin. I always called her first to share whatever was happening to me. Who is the first person you like to share with?
When I went to Houston over Christmas, I had an experience. I was driving, took the wrong turn and immediately looked over to my navigator's seat, there was no one to blame but my self that time around. It made me wonder, how many times I had blamed her for wrong directions, when it was really me. Not a sad thing, just reminded me that I can be an a-hole at times... It was a very quiet ride. We used to sing, laugh, eat sunflower seeds and get lost together; doing this by myself was pretty scary stuff. I wonder how many pilots like to fly solo versus have a co-pilot/navigator?
I hope that wherever Lin is today, she is well. She never met a stranger - I imagine someone somewhere is probably wanting her to make her point...she could get a little long winded. I hope she has visited all the beaches that we had only wished we could one day see.
I can't wait until the day that we can once more look into each other's eyes. I saw your beautiful soul dancing in the sun today as I sat in your car. I had pulled the top down and there were no clouds only bright sunshine beaming down on me and warming my being. It felt like you were with me. These were the types of days that you cherished. Days where you were outside from sun-up to sun-down. I miss you!
Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay - Otis Redding
Monday, January 26, 2009
SURPRISE! We celebrated your birthday!

It was a spur of the moment thing. I talked about it for a while, but decided only the week before to celebrate Lin's birthday with a party. Allison and Dora helped me to plan the menu and off we went in different directions during the week. Dora did most of the cleaning and Allison took care of some speciality recipes. On Saturday we started cooking early and finished right on time as guests started to arrive, thanks to added help we got from Pat, Flora and Marti. I was apprehensive all week long for no good reason. I think between the holidays and her birthday; this was definitely the hardest time to endure. This was special as it was her special day.
I used to save all the special gifts for Lin's birthday rather than for Christmas. Items that she really wanted; I made her wait right past the holidays and boy was that hard on her. She was never one to keep a surprise. If she bought me a gift in October because she found a sale, I got it then rather than November. I, on the other hand, could wait until the day - I think this irked her somewhat. ;-)
On January 21st, Allison accompanied me to the cemetery to lay roses on Lin's grave. We stayed and visited for a while. It was a nice day; the weather was beautiful. There were allot of birds chirping around and the sound of the waterfall nearby made my heart smile. Lin would have loved the spot I chose for her, us. They have placed her final headstone. It was weird to see my name on the stone. I had not given it much thought in the past, what I would choose at the time of my death, how I would be buried. When I went to pick out a plot for Lin, I had promised her that I would get one for the both of us. She wanted to be cremated, so by osmosis, I will be cremated as well. The cemetery that she chose only serves cremations. I still find it strange that I made life long or should I say, after death decisions in only minutes. My logic was that I will no longer need my body when I am gone, so there really is not much thought to it, unless of course it is due to religious reasons.
I would venture to guess that at the height of the night, there were 45 well wishers crammed into the kitchen and dinning room. I think that it is funny that no matter what, everyone always ends up in the kitchen while the living room goes un-noticed. The menu was planned around finger foods as well as the type of foods that Lin liked, with a slight flair. We served pecan crusted chicken tenders, chicken wings with three sauces, seafood crab dip, mini quiches, boiled shrimp, Gorgonzola cheese truffles w/ fruit, veggie tray, deviled eggs, asparagus wraps, stuffed celery sticks and cheese cake. For those who missed the occasion, the food flowed as quickly as the drinks. I think everyone had a good time. Next year I will have to do better at the planning and sending invites.
It will be 3 months this coming Friday that Lin left my side. I still cry myself to sleep more than not and I still have much guilt over thoughts of "did I do all I can and did I make the right decisions". I don't guess that some of this will ever go away, only diminish on the amount of time I remember those those feelings. I still wonder why Lin; why now. Most of the time I am crushed that she is gone, while other times I am glad that she no longer feels all the pain.
"I wish you were here right now. I would hug you and hold onto you like I was never to see you again. I would tell you that yes, you are right about everything and I am/was wrong. I would give in more and argue less. I would take you to the beach and instead of reading, I would join you in a long walk as you looked for sand dollars. I would spend time helping you cultivate your garden instead of working on email. I would sacrifice an hour of sleep and wake up early to make you coffee for a change. I would take you for a leisurely drive on a Sunday morning instead of reading the newspaper back to back. Despite how unbearably hot it was, I would hug you while in bed more often. Most of all, I would just spend more time on us than on anything else." It is hard to know that I cannot change my past with Lin. I can never make-up for all those little things that I thought I would have a lifetime to recover.
I wish I could get a do-over button and get the chance to change all the things that could have possibly made a difference. I wish I could have said so many things to Lin, if only I had known that I had but a day left that she was coherent and she knew who I was. I would have made some different choices so she would not have suffered in pain for so long. I would have punched a doctor at RR Hospital; he was big ass. He made Lin cry by withholding medications; afraid she may become "addicted"; like that mattered. I wish Lin would have known how special she was.
Life is strange. It is like a ride on a roller coaster. You are scared to get on the ride when you see the twists, turns, jerking motions and even the speed at which you will travel. Once you are in the ride and buckled down, it does not seem as scary, until you take off. The anticipation that something will happen does not compare to when it actually does. Anticipation gives way to exhilaration, elation and euphoria. Then the ride is over and either you get back in line to take another gander or you sit and watch others engage. The only difference is that in a roller coaster, an engineer designed and built the twists and turns into place and they are quite expected. In real life, there is no such thing. You never know what will be around the corner.
Open your heart and let love in. Open your eyes and see the beauty around you. Listen with your ears, others most likely have something great to say. Take a deep breathe and enjoy all that nature has to give. Out-stretch your arms and hug someone you love; feel their love for you. We get but only one today. Tomorrow you cannot change what happened today. Yesterday is only memory. Change what you can, enjoy your life and smile allot.
I Will Remember You [Sarah McLachlan] dedicated to Lin
I used to save all the special gifts for Lin's birthday rather than for Christmas. Items that she really wanted; I made her wait right past the holidays and boy was that hard on her. She was never one to keep a surprise. If she bought me a gift in October because she found a sale, I got it then rather than November. I, on the other hand, could wait until the day - I think this irked her somewhat. ;-)
On January 21st, Allison accompanied me to the cemetery to lay roses on Lin's grave. We stayed and visited for a while. It was a nice day; the weather was beautiful. There were allot of birds chirping around and the sound of the waterfall nearby made my heart smile. Lin would have loved the spot I chose for her, us. They have placed her final headstone. It was weird to see my name on the stone. I had not given it much thought in the past, what I would choose at the time of my death, how I would be buried. When I went to pick out a plot for Lin, I had promised her that I would get one for the both of us. She wanted to be cremated, so by osmosis, I will be cremated as well. The cemetery that she chose only serves cremations. I still find it strange that I made life long or should I say, after death decisions in only minutes. My logic was that I will no longer need my body when I am gone, so there really is not much thought to it, unless of course it is due to religious reasons.
I would venture to guess that at the height of the night, there were 45 well wishers crammed into the kitchen and dinning room. I think that it is funny that no matter what, everyone always ends up in the kitchen while the living room goes un-noticed. The menu was planned around finger foods as well as the type of foods that Lin liked, with a slight flair. We served pecan crusted chicken tenders, chicken wings with three sauces, seafood crab dip, mini quiches, boiled shrimp, Gorgonzola cheese truffles w/ fruit, veggie tray, deviled eggs, asparagus wraps, stuffed celery sticks and cheese cake. For those who missed the occasion, the food flowed as quickly as the drinks. I think everyone had a good time. Next year I will have to do better at the planning and sending invites.
It will be 3 months this coming Friday that Lin left my side. I still cry myself to sleep more than not and I still have much guilt over thoughts of "did I do all I can and did I make the right decisions". I don't guess that some of this will ever go away, only diminish on the amount of time I remember those those feelings. I still wonder why Lin; why now. Most of the time I am crushed that she is gone, while other times I am glad that she no longer feels all the pain.
"I wish you were here right now. I would hug you and hold onto you like I was never to see you again. I would tell you that yes, you are right about everything and I am/was wrong. I would give in more and argue less. I would take you to the beach and instead of reading, I would join you in a long walk as you looked for sand dollars. I would spend time helping you cultivate your garden instead of working on email. I would sacrifice an hour of sleep and wake up early to make you coffee for a change. I would take you for a leisurely drive on a Sunday morning instead of reading the newspaper back to back. Despite how unbearably hot it was, I would hug you while in bed more often. Most of all, I would just spend more time on us than on anything else." It is hard to know that I cannot change my past with Lin. I can never make-up for all those little things that I thought I would have a lifetime to recover.
I wish I could get a do-over button and get the chance to change all the things that could have possibly made a difference. I wish I could have said so many things to Lin, if only I had known that I had but a day left that she was coherent and she knew who I was. I would have made some different choices so she would not have suffered in pain for so long. I would have punched a doctor at RR Hospital; he was big ass. He made Lin cry by withholding medications; afraid she may become "addicted"; like that mattered. I wish Lin would have known how special she was.
Life is strange. It is like a ride on a roller coaster. You are scared to get on the ride when you see the twists, turns, jerking motions and even the speed at which you will travel. Once you are in the ride and buckled down, it does not seem as scary, until you take off. The anticipation that something will happen does not compare to when it actually does. Anticipation gives way to exhilaration, elation and euphoria. Then the ride is over and either you get back in line to take another gander or you sit and watch others engage. The only difference is that in a roller coaster, an engineer designed and built the twists and turns into place and they are quite expected. In real life, there is no such thing. You never know what will be around the corner.
Open your heart and let love in. Open your eyes and see the beauty around you. Listen with your ears, others most likely have something great to say. Take a deep breathe and enjoy all that nature has to give. Out-stretch your arms and hug someone you love; feel their love for you. We get but only one today. Tomorrow you cannot change what happened today. Yesterday is only memory. Change what you can, enjoy your life and smile allot.
I Will Remember You [Sarah McLachlan] dedicated to Lin
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