It has been a while since I have written. I have not had the energy, nor the want to do much. If you read the prior posting, then you know that I went down on April 8, 2009; a non-fatal fall, but damaging none the less.
I was minding my own business, actually having fun as I power-washed a Pergola and had stopped only long enough to climb a six foot ladder to check a plant hanger, when all of the sudden, my right knee wobbled and I knew I was going down in mere seconds.
I felt my hands slice the air, grasping for anything that would help me stay on the ladder, to no avail. I don't remember hitting the concrete, none-the-less, I found myself laying on the ground, on my back, as my right shoulder ached and I knew I could not move my right leg for the pain.
I shouted at the top of my lungs, "HELP, HELP!", that is when I noticed that the power-washer was still on, no one would hear me, no matter how much I screamed. I looked around and remembered a thought that I had earlier. Everyone in the neighborhood worked, the sound of the power-washer was the loudest sound that I could hear, all else was quiet, no one was home. I knew that I was in trouble. I had a brain fart and pulled the iPhone out of my pocket. I was ready to dial 911, and then a fleeting thought crossed my mind, I don't remember the address! Another thought came from nowhere, cell phones cannot be tracked to the exact location, can they?
The pain was intense. Each time I moved, I felt like someone was pounding my leg with a sledge hammer, other times like my leg was in a vise grip. My shoulder continued to throb, I could hear my own heart beat. I attempted to get up, but only managed to make the pain more intense. I thought about dragging myself, but then thought, where? I am on the patio, if I manage to get in the house, I would have to deal with an ~80lb dog. It is funny how many thoughts, some stupid, cross your mind when an accident occurs or for that matter when you suffer severe pain.
I was lucky that Tory was home, a cute, lively, and smart 10 year old girl. She called 911 and got me help. I don't remember too much more about that time. I guess that was because I knew that help was on the way. I could relax, well OK, concentrate on getting as comfortable as I could. He mom, Chellie and sister, Taylor got home not too long after that and I knew I would get help.
Being in the hospital... I don't remember too much about the week that I was at Breckenridge hospital, only what others tell me. I was either acting like a clown, flashing everyone my naked body, writing illegible brain dumps on paper or sleeping. Two times do stand out, however. The first was when I came out of surgery the first time. The nurse told me to push the button when I needed pain relief. I watched the clock and asked others to help me as the machine would release medication every 8 minutes. I pushed on that button like there was no tomorrow. I did after all have a leg with multiple fractures and a shoulder that had endured surgery. Did you see the picture in the prior posting? Well the nurse got mad at me because I was complaining that I was not getting enough pain medication. She came in and read me the riot act about the amount of meds I was allowed to have, blah, blah, blah. Well, Erin looked down and asked me to let her know the next time I pushed the button; I did. She took off to get the nurse. The Marine in her came out. She returned with the nurse. The line that connected the pain medication to the machine that allowed me the get meds, was not connected and instead had formed a small pool of liquid on the floor! The nurse turned red in the face and I finally got relief.
I am having problems concentrating on one thing at a time. The easiest thing that I do is gel in front of the TV right now. Stay tuned for the next posting, hopefully it will not take as long, however, I am headed to the beach with my sisters and Mom this weekend! Until later.