Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lin Update 10/9/08

It has been a while since I sent an update. I decided to create a blog to get you all updated and to make it easier for anyone to get the latest on what is happening in our lives. Please feel free forward the site to others who would like an update on Lin.

My last update to you was on 9/15/08; allot has happened since that time. August 18th Lin started started experiencing pain in her upper back that would not subside. By 9/08/08, the pain escalated to an uncontrollable level.

By 9/11/08, diagnosis confirmed metastases of the bladder cancer to include several lymph nodes in her chest cavity, a vertebra (it is also fractured), several spots in both lungs and a couple of growths on her scalp.

The prognosis is not positive as the doctor has communicated that the cancer is not curable, he described the cancer as terminal. There is a possibility that chemo therapy may prolong her life, however, quality of life is not guaranteed.

As Lin most recently spent a week in RR Hospital, she was released into our care with help from Hospice. The team assigned to Lin is very attentive and the R.N. has skillfully brought down her pain level to an tolerable "5" on a pain scale of 10.

We ask for you prayers as Lin is taking the weekend to think through her options of continuing with Hospice or taking the path of chemo. Presently, she has lost about ~50% use of her legs and is using a walker and a wheel chair to get about.

As many of you know Lin is a very independent person, the cancer has been hard on her health, the loss of her legs has been even harder to her independent soul.

I am limiting phone calls and visits as they are very draining of her energy. Please help us by limiting calls or visits from 7:30am - 10:30am (mornings are very hard for her and her nurse usually visits at this time); 2:00pm -3:30pm (nap time); and 8:30 pm or later. I understand that this does not leave a whole lot of time for calls or visits, however, I am greatly concerned with her pain level. I look forward to hearing or seeing you sometime in the near future.

So... calls and visitation are welcome" M-S 10:30am - 1:30pm, 4:00pm - 8:00pm.

As always, we appreciate your support and well wishes. We ask for your continued prayers and good thoughts.

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