Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On Family and Friends

People come and go from our lives, some remain constant, others come for a while and go, they may come back, they may not. Some people we take for granted; we think they will always be there for us.

There are people in our lives currently, that had they not been here for us; I do not know where we would be right now. Our family has come to our aid on numerous occasions, Julie, Marlene, Marti, Dora, Alyssa, Eric, Art, Lori, Laura, Erin, Alex and Fran have all played a part in helping us care for Lin.

Our friends have been here for for all types of help, no request has been out of the question: Allison, TK, Katrina, Genny, Mark, Jacque, Sarah, Marc, Jesse, Burt, Ron, Judy and numerous other friends (please do not be offended if I have forgotten to list you specifically; my brain seems to have gone haywire) have come to aid repeatedly.

It was Allison who has helped me to fill in the blank recently - I had forgotten what had happened on Saturday (what are friends for?).

From Allison: "Saturday was a very eventful day for Lin, as she was up around 5am. I believe you two had another talk about the status of things because she couldn't remember. By the time I got there at 7 to "help", all of you were sitting around the breakfast table. Lin had two pieces of toast in front of her - one with strawberry jam. She was eating fruit from the fruit bouquet someone sent you, (Thank you Aggies!! - they sent a beautiful fruit bouquet!) and some chocolate had fallen to the floor from one of the pears. She was adamant that I find the chocolate before one of the dogs did - she didn't want them to get sick. She looked GREAT, and we took a few photos right there at the table. Julie was still in bed (an anomaly, but good that she slept in and got a little rest). You talked to Lin about making sure to include Julie in things she could do to help, and once Julie came downstairs, Lin obliged by asking her Mom to make her coffee, and telling Marlene that her coffee wasn't as good as Julie's (such a comedian).

Lin also let all of us know her displeasure in the fact that she continued to be dressed in light-colored t-shirts, which are just way too easy to stain, especially when drinking juice from a straw.

After breakfast she wanted to go outside, so I took her, and left her with her Mom and Marlene. We sat inside until Marlene tried to bring her in around 9. Marlene said she just faded very fast. Marlene couldn't get her up the ramp, so I went to help. Lin wanted to get a clean shirt, so you took her to take care of that, and put on a very pretty aqua-colored one. Afterwards, she sat in the recliner and took a short nap. TK was also there.

Roni adding - Lin woke up telling of her needed help as he had been constipated 5 days now, this is despite our pouring all types of additives and medicines into her system at twice and three times the rate recommended. The morphine has a way to retard bowels and it is painful. She had a visit from the RN Director as her regular weekend RN, Dorthy was not able to attend to her. All the ladies in the house thought he was drop dead gorgeous. Julie went upstairs to put on lipstick! He sat and talked with us for a while and was ready to leave. I got up to walk him out and he miss-read my intentions and gave me big hug. Julie and Marlene got jealous and asked "what about us?"; they got a hug as well.

Laura came over on Saturday evening to help us out. Lin told us that she fell in love with her new girlfriend at Starbucks. She was a big flirt when it came to Laura. Anything Laura said, was fine with her. We all knew she was flirting and we laughed about it all.

We also got a delivery of some beautiful flowers and a tray of fruit on Saturday from Chellie and Wendy - thank you very much! The flowers are still blooming today, very beautiful colors (fruit is gone however, these Canadians love their fruit for breakfast)!

Sunday morning, I reminded Lin about her new girlfriend; she was embarrassed!! Laura is our niece. Her face turned especially red when I told her that Laura was coming back Sunday afternoon.

Without family and friends in our lives we would all be empty and void of love, kindness, affection, support, a shoulder to lean upon, someone to vent to and comfort. Have you hugged your loved one lately?

1 comment:

  1. hey there roni and lin. eric's college friend gary here. just wanted to drop yall a line and say hi. we're all thinking about yall and praying for you.
